Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ironic Drafts

Everything begins with something rough. A draft.

Since I’ve been missing a lot in my blogging, this post, as is directly observable, is something unpolished, a kind of just-so-I-can-post-something post. This I wrote while I was doing nothing and figuring out what to write for my Technology class, drafting a paper I am submitting for my other class.

It’s interesting how in our less backward society, where computers proliferate like eczema, drafts have ceased to be a physical entity, and that on a computer monitor, a writer can have as many as 10 drafts without being aware that he has actually made those number of drafts.

A draft is only physically possible on a piece of paper but not on a computer. A monitor of a computer poses different challenge when it comes to writing a rough draft (a common redundancy) such as the number of copies made (virtual copies that got deleted should be included in the count) and the supposed apparent corrections but have gone invisible (virtual corrections are counted as corrections still).

Unless written in script on a piece of paper, I think it is too much a task to ask writers to come up with real drafts when they’ve already done several virtual drafts.

It’s redundant to say so, like the word "rough drafts."

John (060612)

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