Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Technology in Acrostic

 I initially thought social media is beyond me
      That it is something beyond the realms of my teaching-- for others yes, but not me!
             I guess, it was because I was afraid to venture, try and explore until I tire
                     Guess what?  This is how I learned:  exhaust one's time, give one's all

                        This is going beyond the blackboard.
                        This is social media at work
                                         in the system of learning
                                         doing and being of the teachers: the digital migrants
                                         in a classroom filled with  geeks, digital natives themselves!
                                                      However, there are those who have abused
                                                             the use of social-networking.  This is quite sad, but
                                                                     one that "teachers"have to address especially in
                                                                              the exercise of responsibility  and  freedom.

T - Trial and error it was for me
            for there's no other way
                to learn but do
                        and go for it
E - Evernote and dropbox
         were the firsts of my pals
                 files and  links...
                        shares movies
                               and pix
C -Cheers I'd go
            boosting myself
                   for I've hurdled a baptism
                        I dare repeat

H- Humbling an experience
            strengthening the spirit
                   to prod on, continue
                       'til the sun is up or down

N- Now, braced with the skill
          still unsure of the prompts
                takes awhile to master
                    practice is the key

O - Over and over the practice trick is
           post, upload, tag...edit
              check like, comment and take
                   quick tests of the skill

L- Log on and sit down
            sign up, pass--word
                 blog, prezi-techie
                        learning is fun!

G- Great is the experience
              useful and  practical  for class
                  beyond the blackboard, erasing its chalks
                        turning on the screen, surfing, linking, teaching!

Y - Years and years it'll be
             with echoes of our voices, shadows of our doodles
                   still going beyond what we can, hurdling barriers
                         enjoying, exploring, learning...using technology as the key

                           Together with TEaCHers humanizing the world!

Airam (Girlie) Libutaque
13 June 2012

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