Members of the Triad

Gabriella Ivic is originally from Hungary. She has been living in the U.S. for many years and is a proud U.S. citizen. She has a Master’s in TESL and English Language and Literature. She has been teaching ESL in the U.S. for twelve years. Currently, Gabriella adjuncts at Assumption College, Quinsigamond Community College, and Clark University. Teaching English is her passion. She is a linguist who studied Russian and Italian as well. She is married and enjoys traveling with her husband.


Half of  Maria's  life in the Philippines has been spent in teaching university and adult learners how the English language could be a medium to make people smile amidst differences, cry in sheer joy or simply nod in understanding that ENGLISH could be spelled H-O-P-E!

She is finishing her Masters in Comparative Literature after she earned some years back her MA in the Teaching of English!

John is from the Philippines. He has been teaching ESL for more than three years now. Currently, keeping two more jobs aside from teaching ESL learners, he is also finishing his MA in Asian Studies.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You look great in this photo Fev! How many years ago was this taken...? Truly, this is an infectious smile. My lips move on their own making the effort to copy your noisy smile! Yes, I can just hear you gurgling...breaking into a full blown guffaw!

    Airam Libutaque (052512)

  3. It is a bit hard to read Gabriella's section, can you please change the background color of the text? Thanks :-)

    1. Already fixed it, faezah! Thanks a lot.
