Thursday, May 31, 2012

Online Homework

Listening-Speaking  Exercises  By Airam

Topic:  Exercises on [l] and [r] sounds
Level:  Vita  (Advanced group)
They are mostly composed of Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans who are having difficulty sounding off the initial, middle and final sounds.
Resource Type:  youtube  -
Teacher’s Note: 
This homework is in two parts. 
The first part would like you to study the youtube link where you can practice your [l] and [r] sounds.  You can do this as many times as you can in the comforts of your own space at home.
Take your time.  Get hold of a mirror if you may and pay close attention as to how the mouth opens, where the tongue goes and what it does to form the sounds.

The second part would like you to fill the table down below with words that you can find in your kitchen, in your bedroom…within the confines of your house which have the sounds [l] and [r].  Group then as shown below:

Initial Sound
Middle Sound
Final Sound
1.       [l]

Initial Sound
Middle Sound
Final Sound
1.       [r]

In the next session, share in the class how your experience was?  Did you have fun?  Did you learn from the exercise?  What other sounds would you like to have more exercises on?

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