Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Teaching Beyond the Blackboards

Teaching beyond the blackboards
              Is a little scary maybe
          Unchalking the circles, marks
 And lines I am used to
                My Mama is used to
   And her Nana before her...

   Time has whitened                The blackboard out
            Then screened      Those circles,
   Marks and lines making    Them bigger!
Bigger than life,                                                                                           Crossing frames,
                           Boarders and our physical selves...
                                        The teachers as tech-ers!

                                                                         By: Airam Libutaque (052312)


  1. I love the last three lines. "Crossing frames" speaks of a bridge to what is beyond the physical concretes we teachers and students have been used to.

    Or, simply, "crossing" is an X some Xtremists have marked over what is passe...a thing of the past! (Harvard still uses blackboard!)

    Or, this "crossing" could be read as a blessing! God has gifted man with intellect to explore and create...and the wisdom to make better choices all for man's good: to be techie-chers!

    Airam Libutaque (052612)

  2. You have the poet's beautiful gift of wordsmithing.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this post :-)
