Friday, June 29, 2012

My Techie Family and I

During my four-day stay with my family back in the province, I would always find my nine year-old nephew Amiel spending time with"Harvest Moon" and "Call of Duty"in his PSP while my 10-year old niece Klaudine would be doing research online, face-booking, or playing dress-up games in her own personal computer.

Talking with them, I would find myself  missing my footing.  Their lingos are different.  The virtual worlds they move in and out of are so foreign to me. Haha-- I have my personal experience of feeling alienated among kids I helped nurse and put their diapers on.  These are my blood kins but quite foreign to me because of their digital nativeness!

Well, I thought let me test how good they are with my recently acquired savviness in technology!  I showed them prezi and what it can do.  They became animated! They were glued on the screen for some time.  Each went silent for minutes and they started exploring...learning...and having fun!  Then, there was dropbox where I shared some movies with them and they thought they'd love to have one for themselves!  To my surprise, Evernote is not new to them.  Their dad has been using it when they do research online for their school work.

Poor me! For the stretch I thought, i really am lagging behind!  My brothers, my sister and my niece and nephew are so into this world of technology like it's a pen, or a pair of scissors or a sheet of paper!  Technology to them is a handy tool that facilitates easy-work, convenient and fast running of things!  It does not threaten or scare them off.  It does not stress them out either.  For them, it's the other way around.

Anyhow, I can relate better with them.  I have my stock knowledge of techie lingos and I have my books to boot in any case I will get lost.  Tough life, but I'm getting the feel of  this world.  Soon.  Soon.  I will have the hang of it!

airam (girlie) libutaque
30 June 2012